
Events and Projects update for Ticehurst Village Centre

It has been a great month for village centre improvements.

Three Family Fun Day Events in the Village – 21st July 2019,
1. Fun events for the children in the Village Square. 1 – 5 pm
A carousel, Punch & Judy, Fancy Dress, Face Painting, Lucky dip, Ice cream, Children’s Entertainer
2. Afternoon Tea in the Churchyard, 2 – 4.30pm for older people
St Mary’s PCC has kindly agreed that we can have a marquee in the churchyard. The afternoon tea is being provided by the WI who did a such marvellous job at the village fete. Anyone who wants to join in the event as a participant or helper is most welcome. Please contact Ticehurst Community Friends if you need help to get there.
3. Jazz in the garden of The Bell 1pm – 8pm  will be the third attraction on the day and is an event run by The Bell; so there should be something for everyone.

Planting.  We hope that you like the flower baskets on the lamp-posts and the undersill window boxes. They will be flowing once we get some more sunshine and as the plants mature. As this is our first year, we would welcome your feedback. If they are a popular addition to the village scene, we will expand the scheme in future years.

The Well has successfully been repaired and you can now look down into it without the condensation blocking your view.  Do take a late night stroll as the well is especially attractive at night when the lights are on.

A Taste of Ticehurst went with a swing and people are asking for more events like this.  A big thank you to all who were involved in creating such a happy event and to those of you who supported it.  We would like to hold more events, making our village square a community hub.
On Sunday 21st July we have three events:

Resurfacing the main road. East Sussex Highways has confirmed that due to the necessary repairs needed to the drains, the resurfacing will now take place in the next financial year 2020/21. It is hoped that a base layer might be laid in the Square at the same time.
We are in the process of arranging a safety audit for the crossing. With members of SpeedWatch we are also meeting a company which provides speed indicators, in the short term we hope that this will help to slow traffic through the centre.

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