Local Plan HEELA Policies that are relevant Last night's Parish Council meeting showed the level of public concern around the call for sites process in the Rother Local Plan draft. As discussed...
Advanced Warning of Road Closure
B2087 Dale Hill, Ticehurst Please be aware that the following works will be carried out:- B2087 Dale Hill, Ticehurst Temporary Road Closure From the...
Ticehurst Village Centre Update
TVCP November 20...
November Parish Council Meeting Joining Instructions
Topic: Ticehurst Parish Council Time: Nov 3, 2020 06:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96059621620?pwd=QlFUZDBrWG1DRkROdG1VRFVhQzJ2QT09 Meeting ID: 960...
An Announcement from the Ticehurst Christmas Lights Team
Ticehurst Christmas Lights...
Please Remain Cautious – Rother is yet to reach peak Covid numbers
There has been much press recently about the behavioural relaxations across the country as the peak passes, but there are pockets of areas where, according to the statistics, the peak has yet to be...
Coronavirus Self-Isolation Help
Ticehurst Village Christmas Market Date Announced
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Vote on the Neighbourhood Plan
After 4 years of work, the final stage of the Neighbourhood Plan is for the parishioners of Ticehurst to vote on whether they want the plan to be used to help decide planning applications within the...
Summer Ticehurst Village Square Events
Look out for events coming up in the Ticehurst Village Square. Please head to our Events page for more...